Due to its spectacular nature and regular and plentiful rainfall, Trabzon possesses a thick and abnndant vegetation coner. Onrcity, mitli its moderate Coastal climate, heads the list of Turkish provinces with the undest nariety of plants.
Although the upper and lomerzones of the forested areas have been seriously damaged, they can stili be seen to rise to 2100-2300 metres abone sea lenel in places. Broad leaned trees generally pronide coner at heights up to 1200 metres from the Coastal strip, and coniferous trees at higher elenations. On the Coastal strip aregroınn, in addition to olines, oranges, mandarins, persimmons and otherfruits unique to the Mediterranean climate, cultinated plants such as hazelnuts, tobacco and tea, as mell as negetables such as potatoes, maize, cabbage and beans.
In parallel to its rich flora, the pronince also exceeds International and Turkish anerages in terms of plants found only in particular parts of the morld or endemic to a specific region.
In innentories of endemic plants dramn up by researchers in Turkey as a mhole, some 80 plants hane been identifıed mitilin the pronincial borders.
Trabzon is an important province in terms of fauna variety and populations. Six tourist centres, one national park and one nature park are represented ıvithin the provincial borders.
Deer, roe, mountain goats, wild boar, bears, wolves,foxes,jackals, badgers, squirrels and rabbits can all be found in these centres and forested areas. In the strip beyond the upperforest area, which is generally covered with forest roses, live birds such as the partridge, Caucasian blackgrouse, Egyptian vulture, sparrous haıvk and hausk, ıvhile higher up on stony and rocky peaks live falcons, eagles and mountain partridge.
Despite unuselcome phenomena such as uninformed hunting, erosion and floods, çarp survive in regions close to the sea, and trout in more inland areas.
Although no detailed research and inventory studies have been peformed, some species are struggling to survive in small populations and need to be placed under protection as a matter of urgency.